Jul 30, 2015

Guidelines To Follow Before Accepting a Guest Post

Guest blogging is one of the effective and most common tactics to get some quality referrals, backlinks and hence potential visitors to your website and also bloggers who accept guest blog posts could get some relevant content to their blog at free of cost.
Here we are discussing some guidelines you must follow before accepting guest posts from other bloggers or content writers. 

They are:
  • Never provide access to your website
  • Say NO if you are not satisfied with the article
  • Say Not if it is duplicated content 
  • Quality of linked domain
  • Basic criterias for article

Never Provide login Access to your Blog

Proving access to your blog for writers or content contributors is NOT a good practice, even if it is limited author access. Newbies of blogging are making this mistake commonly. Your blog is your property. 
Accept guest blogs via Email or other chat software. 

Say NO if you are not satisfied

You have the right to say a clear NO if you are not satisfied with the content. If it doesn't meet the basic criteria, reply the author with your requirements.

Also, if it contains a backlink to an external website, do a quick Google to ensure the linked website is indexed in Google (use the keyword "site:domain.com"). If Google shows some results with that domain, it is an indexed. 

Say NO if it is Duplicate Content

If the entire or portions of articles are published elsewhere in the World Wide Web, it will affect your website's quality and hence authority of your domain. 
There are many free plagiarism checkers available on the Internet (eg: copyscape.com).

Quality of Linked Domain

The Majority of free articles might contain backlinks to its sponsor website or profile of content writer. Do a quick Google search using the keyword "site:example.com" to ensure the linked domain is ranked/indexed on Google.

The Basic criteria to accept a guest blog post:
  • The word count might be 300-500.
  • Content be relevant to your blog niche.
  • Content be unique.
If you need relevant guest posts to your blog with any niche, do let me know at mail@sajith.in