Sep 6, 2015

Earn More: Google Adsense Optimization Techniques

Earn More Money from Google Adsense
Google Adsense Optimization

We have already discussed the most important SEO techniques for blog posts in our previous posts. And today, am writing about some Google Adsense optimization tips for earning more from Adsense program.

As we all know, Google Adsense is the favorite and most widely used blog monetization method of bloggers. Especially for technology blog Adsense is the best way to earn some money.

As SEO optimization techniques could improve your ranking on Search Engines, Some Adsense optimization techniques are there to double your Adsense earnings.

And it is very important to follow the Goole Adsense policies. This article does not include any techniques that affect your Adsense account or blog negatively. 
The techniques explained below are:
  • Use high competition keywords
  • Limit number of Adsense ads per page
  • Use better Ad positions
  • Country targeting
  • Never forgot Smartphone readers
  • Use recommended ad units


The targeting keywords or blog niche plays an important role in the Adsense CPC. CPC stands for Cost Per Click, that is the amount you have debited to your Adsense account for a single click. The most searched and high competition keywords might have high CPC as advertisers might pay high for such keywords. 

The Google Adwords Keyword Planner is the best tools for analyzing the competition of keywords and to plan your keywords.

Limit no of Ads per Post

Limit the total numbers ads in a page (PAGE, not an article) to three or less. Google officially declared that using more than three ad units on a single page will drop your Adsense earnings as the competition for advertisers is low on that particular page.

Optimize the Ad Positions

The position of advertisements is an important factor in determining the CPC of a click. Ensure the checklists below
  • The Reader doesn't need to scroll down more to see ads
    • One Ad near the logo, one at the starting/middle of post one on the sidebar works well.
  • Advertisements are placed on most noticeable positions.
  • Advertisement never overlaps the content - Important as it is against the Adsense policies.

Country Targeting

Try to target countries like US, UK, Canada etc. Clicks received from the US, UK and such countries pay more. 
You could set the targeted country as the United States through Google Web Master Tools.

Never forgot Mobile/Smartphone Users

Never forgot the smartphone users as the popularity of smartphone Internet users is much more than PC users (People use the smartphone for surfing the Internet than PCs). Put one or two mobile-friendly ads in your articles as blog sidebars may be not available for the mobile version of your blog.

Use mobile-friendly blog templates for a better user experience for your smartphone readers and it might help you to improve your ranking also as Google has introduced the Mobilegeddon update. 

Use Recommended Adsense Units

Google recommends some ad unit sizes. Use these unit sizes. Google pays more for such units. The recommended unit sizes are mentioned in the "Create ad" page of Adsense.

Have more white hat techniques for Adsense, leave a comment to let everyone know.

Jul 30, 2015

Guidelines To Follow Before Accepting a Guest Post

Guest blogging is one of the effective and most common tactics to get some quality referrals, backlinks and hence potential visitors to your website and also bloggers who accept guest blog posts could get some relevant content to their blog at free of cost.
Here we are discussing some guidelines you must follow before accepting guest posts from other bloggers or content writers. 

They are:
  • Never provide access to your website
  • Say NO if you are not satisfied with the article
  • Say Not if it is duplicated content 
  • Quality of linked domain
  • Basic criterias for article

Never Provide login Access to your Blog

Proving access to your blog for writers or content contributors is NOT a good practice, even if it is limited author access. Newbies of blogging are making this mistake commonly. Your blog is your property. 
Accept guest blogs via Email or other chat software. 

Say NO if you are not satisfied

You have the right to say a clear NO if you are not satisfied with the content. If it doesn't meet the basic criteria, reply the author with your requirements.

Also, if it contains a backlink to an external website, do a quick Google to ensure the linked website is indexed in Google (use the keyword ""). If Google shows some results with that domain, it is an indexed. 

Say NO if it is Duplicate Content

If the entire or portions of articles are published elsewhere in the World Wide Web, it will affect your website's quality and hence authority of your domain. 
There are many free plagiarism checkers available on the Internet (eg:

Quality of Linked Domain

The Majority of free articles might contain backlinks to its sponsor website or profile of content writer. Do a quick Google search using the keyword "" to ensure the linked domain is ranked/indexed on Google.

The Basic criteria to accept a guest blog post:
  • The word count might be 300-500.
  • Content be relevant to your blog niche.
  • Content be unique.
If you need relevant guest posts to your blog with any niche, do let me know at

Jul 26, 2015

How to Drive More Traffic To Website Using Quora


Did you used Quora everQuora a question and answer social website where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community users. Quora is developed by two formal Facebook employees, Adam and Chalie.

Quora for Bloggers

What Quora can do for your Blog? Quota can be used as a traffic source to your blog or website and also it helps you to increase Search Engine Ranking of your website or blog by building backlinks from your Quora answers. 

Create a Quora profile and link it to your website and also research on Quora for questions related to your blog niche and start answering with links to the relevant pages of your website or blog. Never put backlinks to your website for Blog only for SEO benefits. The links might be relevant for the readers. 

Quora for Brands/Companies

If you are a Company executive who responsible for website traffic, link building and engagements, Quora can be used for all these. Search Quora for questions asked by real people and start answering them and with a link to your website. It might help your website to rank higher on SERPs.

Quora for People

Quora is one of the best solution or social community to get answered your question from the experts. All answers are filtered by both their robots and volunteers (think what Wikipedia does). And also everyone can vote for an answer if it sounds good and solved your the particular question.

Jul 18, 2015

High PR and DA Blog Submission Websites List

Blog/website submission website list

Getting high PR and DA blog submission websites for promoting your blog must be a time consuming and tedious job and earning backlinks from low quality and websites might affect your blog badly. 

What is Page Rank (PA)?

Page Rank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google to determine the relevance and importance of a webpage and one of the search engine ranking factors.  Every webpage is given a Google Page Rank score between 0 and 10. Web pages with the score 10 are the most relevant and authoritative websites.
Read more about Page Rank here:

What is Domain Authority (DA)?

The domain Authority score is a measure of the power of a domain and one of the search engine ranking factors. DA is calculated using the factors, Age, Popularity and Size. 
Read more about Domain Authority here:

In this post, I am sharing high PR and DA blog submission websites. All these websites are handpicked and authoritative.


This list should be updated time to time and if you have any other blog submission website suggestions, feel free to list them in the comment box.

Jul 16, 2015

Best Marketplace Websites to Earn Money Online

Marketplace websites to earn Money online

There is no question that millions of people have discovered the benefits and freedom of professional freelancing. Being a Freelancer you could work from anywhere, at any time and you could choose how much time and how much want to work. And you are your Boss!

As the number of freelancers grows, the number of freelance resources and marketplaces have increased as well.

Here's some best websites/marketplaces to find work and earn some money as a freelancer.

1. SEOClerks

SEOclerks is my personal favorite. Even if this website mainly focusing, on gigs related to SEO, Digital marketing, Content writing etc, it also allows others as well. And searching for works is also simple as creating gigs. Read more about SEOclerks.

Signup Now for SEO Clerks


The freelancer is one of the biggest freelance network.


Elance helps you  get connected with talented freelancers and to get some freelance works. 


The buy and sell methode of FIVERR is same as SEOclerks and gig amount is strating from $5 onwards. Unlike SEOclerks, Fiverr is a general market place.

Jun 29, 2015

10 Useful SEO Techniques for Your Blog Posts

10 SEO Tips for Your Blog Posts

Writing quality content and hitting 'Publish' button alone is not sufficient to make you a successful blogger. The basic knowledge about SEO and some blog promotion techniques is essential for attracting visitors and to occupy better positions in search engines result pages.

Below describes most powerful and simple SEO steps that can be used for your next and existing blog post.

Keyword Research

Keywords are, what searchers might type on search engine bars to find articles related to what you are going to write. 

As an example, for this post, a blogger may search for "most useful SEO tips for blog post" or "SEO tips for Blog Posts". Find out low competition and high search volume keywords to get started with and include exact matching keyword and similar words in your blog article. 

Create Unique Content

Remember the rule, 
"An article with errors is better than an exact copy". 

"Content is  the King" and always will be... Create unique article which is relevant to your industry or area of expertise and treat one topic per article. If you are blogging for a business, It is very important that, each and every blog post might be relevant to your business niche or organization. 

Ginger Software can be used for writing grammatical error free articles.

Craft and optimize Title

The title plays an important role in attracting people and Search Engine Rankings. Include keywords in the title and craft it attractive. 

Add Relavent Images 

Adding relevant images in blog articles is a good idea and give keywords included title tags and ALT tags and caption for those images. 

Optimize Page URL Structure

Keep page urls short and include possible keywords and make it readable.
For example:

Which one is better? Third one, right?

Use the Power of Social Media

Social Media is a powerful tool for generating targeted visitors to your blog. Internet users spend 70% more time on Facebook than Google.  Share your blog post links along with relevant image is the best strategy.

Email Marketing is also Powerful

Powerful email marketing strategy could ensure revisit of your readers and to notify them if they forgot about your blog. "Never Let Them Go"

Comment on Others Blogs

Still, there are SEO experts and SEO companies doing blog commenting for SEO. Google no longer counts blog comments for SEO or ranking. But blog commenting could help you to maintain a relationship with other same niche bloggers and to lead some traffic from their blog. Always try for being one of the first three of the commenters to get noticed by their visitors.

Update Blog Regularly

Updating blog regularly is the best way to invite the Google robot to your blog for crawling your blog/website. Search Engines love website/blogs which updates with fresh content regularly.

Monitor and Reply to Comments

Be strict in monitoring comments receiving on your blog post. Never accept comments which include spam links or comments written for only for SEO purpose.

Replying to comments could help you to maximize the engagements and comment counts.

Update: If you are blogging with Blogger platform, Synschronizing Google+ comments and Blogger comments is easy.

Need help for implementing these strategies? Drop a mail to


Are you familiar with other tips for promoting blog posts or any doubts about this article?
 Put them into comment box.

Jun 24, 2015

7 Must Follow Simple and Common Life Rules

Some common rules that can be applied in your daily life. Try to follow them in your LIFE and it could make you a good social player.

"Make Sure That Don't Forgot to Return That Book You Borrowed."

"In Case You Miss A Call, Drop a Message As Soon As Possible If You're Unable to Call."

"When Using Borrowed Computer or Phone, Don't Go Through Their Stuff without Permission."

"Always Leave The Last Piece For The Person Who Brought It, Unless They Insisit They Won't Eat"

"When You Borrow Someone Else's Car, Fill Up the tank As a Way Say Thank You!"

"Don't Smoke When Somone Around you is Visibly Uncomformable."

"Try to Return the favor Within A Week"

Another Life Rules in your mind? Drop them to Comment Box!

Jun 11, 2015

Top 6 Tips for Better Blogging for Your Business

Tips for Better Business blogging

Still thinking about "is blogging important for your business?" You can't ignore blogging if you are serious about your business.

Business blogging is entirely different from personal or professional blogging. The ultimate target of professional blogging is to network with like minded people and also to earn some extra money from the Internet via various advertisements and affiliate marketing methods.

Then why business people blogging without ads or affiliate links? Business blogs stand for improving customer relationships, to get new customers by providing helpful content and also to prove, you are the master in the industry. 

Below are the most important strategies for making your business blog success.

Choose the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is important. That topic you selected should be useful for you5r current customers or new visitor and should showcase your expertise in the industry.

Craft your Title

Spend more time on crafting the title as it is the key to rank on search engine result pages. Make titles of each posts attractive and SEO friendly with relevant keywords. However, write a title for your readers, not for search engines.

Call to Action

Each blog post should drive readers to do something and never leave them after reading your just one article. CTA (Call to Action) could help you to convert your visitor into leads. Provide links to sign up pages of your website, showing newsletter forms, offering some useful stuff like eBooks or promo codes after subscription are the best example.

Internal Linking: Linking your blog posts to other  "relevant"  blog posts could help you to engaging your reader more time on your blog. Also, this strategy would be useful for internal link building and hence could rank well for targeted keywords

Polishing your Post

Read again and again before moving the cursor to the publish button. This could help you not only to correct the mistakes, but also to include additional data.

Save your article as a draft and read it again after some time. This could also  help you to add some extra details.

Avoid external Advertisements

Some companies accept advertisements for their blog from advertisement network and direct advertisements for a fixed amount or as PPC plan. Accepting advertisements (even may you have blocked competitor ads) for a business blog is not a good idea because you are losing your leads without giving you their information and it pays just some penny only. 

Promote your blog post

Hitting "publish" button is your last task? No.. Your job is not completed yet. You have to ensure your blog post is still reaching to your targeted audience or else your blog might be DEAD and there will be no result for your effort.

There are some simple SEO techniques to make a website or blog search engine friendly.

Social media would the most powerful tool for promoting your blog.

Blog Frequently

Did you know why frequent blogging is important for your business blog? Because google crawls websites / blogs which updates regularly with fresh and quality content and potential customers and other readers revisits blogs which gives them latest information regularly.

Choose the right to time to post your blog post by doing by A/B test researching for getting readers at the moment you publishing it.

Familiar with other business blog tips? Please mention them below. Happy to hear from you also.